Monday, January 13, 2014


Hey gang!

You can see the classes growing, the treadmills full and the steamy windows at the gyms! The "RESOLUTIONS" have begun! We are now in week two of those resolutions. And your probably getting dirty looks for invading the space of the regular "Gym Rats"at the gyms? It's OK they are harmless and once your in the circle you have Gym Rat "Cred". So as your going through the motions (waking up early to make class or bringing your lunch to work) are you truly being as effective and as efficient with your workouts? Are you struggling to stay on that tread, ellip or bike for a whole hour? That can become boring and mind numbing! Plus it's not effective! everyone focus's on the calorie count used during a workout as the goal for the day. Heck kudos to those who burn a lot of calories doing cardio alone. But! What if you could continue to burn calories at a higher rate AFTER YOUR WORKOUT because you combined strength with cardio at a challenging threshold??? NOW ENTERS E.P.O.C...not only do you burn more calories during MAX interval training workouts (Insanity, H.I.T, bootcamps, crossfits), but the effect of all that intense work kicks your body's repair cycle into hyperdrive. That means you can burn more fat and calories in the 24 hours AFTER an aggressive workout!

EPOC: Excess Postexercise Oxygen Consumption

What happens during EPOC

1. Energy resources are replenished
2. Reoxygenation of blood and Restoration of circulatory Hormones
3. Decrease in Body Temperature
what just happened?? Your bod is working harder and faster to restore, repair and build you back too 100%! Constantly putting yourself in a anaerobic state while doing Max interval training will get you to EPOC which will have you burning more calories over your next 24hrs!

As many of you have experienced once before either doing PenasFitnessMethod, kennysBootCamp and Insanity! I now have 30minSFS workouts! 30min of Strength Fat-Burn Stamina
Schedule your 30minSFS workout at

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