Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Become a "Fat Burner Bod" not a "fat Storing Bod"!!!

Hey Gang

 Today we start the induction stage of convert our body from fat storing to fat burning!!!

The goal?! To turn the body into a "fat burning bod" from a "fat storing bod"

Sugars will compromise our goal, so I need you to avoid at all cost the bad of the bad ingredients!! Look for these bad guys on the back of all your foods. If they are listed as one of the 4 main ingredients it will put the brakes on your fat loss and you will be wasting time!!!

Bad of the bad!!

1. Sugar (sucrose)
2. High fructose corn syrup
3. Brown sugar
4. Dextrose
5. Maltose
6. Corn syrup
7. Malt syrup
8. Maple syrup
9. Maltitol ( sugar alcohol)
10. Maltitol syrup (sugar alcohol)
11. Modified cornstarch
12. Cornstarch
13. Bleached, enriched or white flour

If any of your food at home has any of these guys, please bring it in and I'll give it to the soup kitchen I'll also take $5 off your nxt session! This is how serious I am about this!! It just plain works!!!

No soda's!!! I can of soda has 10 tsp of sugar!!!
NO Alcohol!!!! ( If you want optimum results) just for 3weeks ladies not a big deal!

Snack in between each meal: apple, piece of cheese, raw nuts

Water NO LESS than 12 cups!!! Very important.

No transfats!!!
A lot of labels say it has 0 trans fats. MALARCHY!!! Read the ingredients if it says:
Hydrogenated oils
Partially hydrogenated oils
Fractionated oils
Vegetable shortening
Then its has trans fat!!! Avoid these at all cost they will hurt the process.
Sodium intake no more Than1500mgs so watch out for those "healthy soups" some have up to 800mgs.

This is very easy to follow if you now know what to avoid. I will try to follow up with meal plans. I'm very limited with time but I'm gonna work on it.
Ask questions
Talk soon!!!!
join "kennysbootcamppena" on FaceBook

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Speed up your metabolism and lose 5lbs easy for free?!?!

Hey Gang!

That's right! Wanna speed up your metabolism and lose 5lbs?! And it will cost you $0!!! So how do you do it?? It's sooo simple. Drink water! you can simply speed up your metabolism by drinking 12 8oz glasses of water.

The formula:
1.start your day off with 2 glasses of water ( cold if possible ).
2. Drink a 2 glasses with every meal (breakfast, lunch, dinner).
3. one glass with every snack (you should be having a snack in between every meal, more on this nxt blog).
4. work in 2 glasses of water within the hour before bed.

It's that simple!

                                                         Water the Fat Burner

When your body has not been properly hydrated, you may experience : increased hunger and cravings, headaches, fatigue, fluid retention, bloating and weight gain. Your body needs to be properly hydrated and when it is... some exciting things start to happen:
1. It naturally suppress your hunger
2. Prevention of water retention and bloating ( face, neck, swollen feet, legs, hands and belly )
3. You muscle tissue work more efficiently to burn more calories all day long
4. release's toxins from your body
5. prevent and relieve constipation
6. increases your metabolism and helps you burn bodyfat

                                            The Science in Plain English

The kidneys!! they need enough water to work well. If they don't get enough hydration, they pass the workload over to the Liver. This is where the problems begin. Due to the liver picking up the slack of the kidneys it now will not be allowed to convert stored fat as energy. So what happens? Less fat is metabolized into energy and more fat stay's stored! DRINK MORE WATER!!!

Give it a try and let me know how it goes. ahh...just downed a glass of H20!

cya soon:)

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hey gang!

I finally figured out how to get pass the title! I'm still fidgeting around and getting the hang of this, but please be patient and lets grow together. My goal for this blog is to help as many people possible. Pass the word around and shoot me ideas or topics you would like discussed on this blog.

Talk soon! :)